Friday, June 22, 2012

Atlanta 48 Hour Film Festival 2012

 We're back at it again!

Photos by Mariangela Jordan

The Atlanta 48 Hour Film Project

Exhausted Atlanta Teams Submit Films

Filmmaking teams from throughout the Atlanta area successfully completed a weekend of filmmaking. Films were due on Sunday, June 17 and the last few minutes before the deadline saw filmmakers, operating on little sleep and lots of adrenaline, rushing to get their films in on time.
All of the films that were submitted on Sunday night will screen on the dates below. Come see what Atlanta area filmmakers can do!

What We're About

Who We Are

The 48 Hour Film Project is a wild and sleepless weekend in which you and a team make a movie—write, shoot, edit and score it—in just 48 hours.
On Friday night, you get a character, a prop, a line of dialogue and a genre, all to include in your movie. 48 hours later, the movie must be complete. Then it will show at a local theater, usually in the next week.
In 2011, nearly 60,000 filmmakers made 4,000 films in 96 cities on 6 continents. This year, we're even bigger, with filmmakers around the world taking the challenge to make a film in just 48 hours.

Our Mission

The 48 Hour Film Project's mission is to advance filmmaking and promote filmmakers. Through its festival/competition, the Project encourages filmmakers and would-be filmmakers to get out there and make movies. The tight deadline of 48 hours puts the focus squarely on the filmmakers—emphasizing creativity and teamwork skills. While the time limit places an unusual restriction on the filmmakers, it is also liberating by putting an emphasis on "doing" instead of "talking."

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