Thursday, February 26, 2009

Music, Crazy Faces, Sustainability

Music is at the heart of a lot of my work. Clearly the philms I create wouldn't be anything without the music that drives them...that gives them their soul.
It's a case of chicken or egg though. Sometimes the music precedes the 'vision' for the philm. It's when I close my eyes to the music and start making those crazy faces that I know it is about to happen. It is the moment of conception and it won't stop kicking around in my head until I give birth to it. But sometimes it is the other way around. I wake up in the middle of the night or I stand under the hot water in the shower (and by the way, the shower is sacred space...most of my major ideas come in the shower) and I see a philm in its entirety. After shooting it, I spend hours sometime combing through my archives trying to find the song that will wed the material.

But that's not the point of this post.

The main point is that recently I've been creating art from photos that I would normally delete. The process is: I upload some new photos or I'm combing through my archives and I see photos that for all intents and purposes are simply taking up hard drive space. I mark them, and on those evenings when I'm feeling the creative bug I climb into my internal cave, turn on some music, start making those faces, and let the music drive. I usually have no idea how I'm going to manipulate the photo to turn it into something salvageable. My head just starts moving and I start clicking my mouse.

I really see it as part of a larger way of living that is about redefining, refining, and re-finding meaning for things that seem to have lost their meaning/value. It's (part of the reason) why I buy my clothes from thrift stores. It's (part of the reason) why our house if full of furniture we found on the side of the road. And if you read further, you'll see that that it is (part of the reason) why VISION Philms was created.

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